David Kong, together with his esteemed partner and wife, presides over the illustrious China Gated Community Trade Group, a cornerstone in the Chinese economy that adeptly administers the Gated Communities of China. This enterprise stands as a bastion of affluence, encompassing the habitats of over 200 million citizens and safeguarding the preponderance of the nation’s wealth.

David has dedicated a considerable time to bridging connections between P2i and the high echelons of Chinese governmental and commercial sectors. His visionary approach has unfurled immense opportunities for collaborative ventures within the Chinese market.

His intellect shines not only in the realms of strategic business development but also in the intricacies of corporate diplomacy. As a paragon of intelligence and a bastion of commitment, David’s unwavering fidelity to the Board of Directors has solidified his reputation as not only a brilliant businessperson but also a trusted ally, whose strategic insights promise to chart a course toward unprecedented prosperity and groundbreaking success in the Chinese business landscape.